Twenty years of leadership and innovation in concrete slab moisture testing
credentials & certifications
our Credentials
Major Partnerships & Certifications
At IFTI, we are constantly striving to maintain the highest level of education and professionalism in everything we do. That requires us to be actively involved in the professional associations and educational institutions that advance knowledge in the field of concrete slab moisture testing, as well as the many industries associated with our field of expertise.
Through our substantial technical and procedural knowledge, extensive work experience, and contributions to industry associations and educational institutions, IFTI’s team has earned the reputation as the experts and thought leaders in the area of concrete slab moisture testing.
Listed below are some of the organizations and associations we are affiliated with and contribute to. Our numerous professional relationships speak to our commitment to the industry.

Flooring Consultants and Inspection Training Service (FCITS)
FCITS provides a comprehensive registry of Certified Flooring Inspectors nationwide, as well as the classes necessary to receive the certification. Our relationship with FCITS delivers us a nationwide network of certified concrete slab moisture testing technicians who can be deployed to job sites across the US and Canada.

ASTM International
ASTM is an international standards organization that develops and publishes voluntary technical standards for a wide range of materials, including plastics, adhesives, and rubber, as well as iron and steel, and nonferrous metal. The standards also govern metal test methods and analytical procedures, construction, textiles, electrical insulation and electronics, water and environmental technology, nuclear, solar and geothermal energy, medical devices and services, and many others. As the experts in concrete slab moisture testing, we are current active members of the F06 Committee on Resilient Floor Coverings, Committee Chairs F 710 Standard Practice for Preparing Concrete Floors to Receive Resilient Flooring. We participate in managing the content in the documents that pertain to our industry.

Starnet Worldwide Commercial Flooring Partnership
Preferred Vendor Partner
Starnet is the world’s largest network of full-service independent flooring contractors, committed to the highest standards of excellence in the industry. Our partnerships with the most skilled commercial flooring professionals and highest quality flooring manufacturers enable us to deliver successful project outcomes.

Chico State Concrete Industry Management (CIM) Founders
The Concrete Industry Management program at CSU, Chico is the only program in the Western United States that combines the academic disciplines of concrete science with business management. As patrons, we actively support this program to fund research, equipment, and industry forums, and have acted as guest speakers in classes covering concrete slab moisture testing.

ICRI - International Concrete Repair Institute
The International Concrete Repair Institute (ICRI), the only association in the concrete industry devoted solely to repair and restoration, publishes a bimonthly magazine and technical guidelines for concrete repair, and cosponsors the World of Concrete. Worldwide membership includes contractors, manufacturers, engineers, distributors, owners, and other professionals with a common goal: prolonging the useful life of concrete through quality repair, restoration, and protection. ICRI - Concrete Slab Moisture Testing Certification Program Judge We are proud to participate in ICRI’s education and testing programs, and act as judges in the assessment of concrete slab moisture testing. ICRI 710-B Subcommittee Chair – Moisture Related Issues with Concrete Finishes under ICRI Coatings & Waterproofing -710 As the experts in concrete slab moisture testing, we are current active members of the F06 Committee on Resilient Floor Coverings, Committee Chairs F 710 Standard Practice for Preparing Concrete Floors to Receive Resilient Flooring. We participate in managing the content in the documents that pertain to our industry.

ACI - American Concrete Institute
The American Concrete Institute (ACI) is a leading authority and resource worldwide for the development and distribution of consensus-based standards, technical resources, and educational programs. Established for individuals and organizations involved in concrete design, construction, and materials who share a commitment to pursuing the best use of concrete. We are active members of the ACI 302.2R Committee on the Guide for Concrete Slabs that Receive Moisture-Sensitive Flooring Materials

Professional Retail Store Maintenance (PRSM) Association
Spanning over 15 countries, this is the oldest association of retail and supply companies serving facilities management professionals. PRSM was established to share best practices, programs, resources, and professional development opportunities.
our Credentials
Other Industry Partnerships
Our IFTI team members and technicians are backed by twenty years of leadership and innovation in concrete slab moisture testing. We are passionate about what we do, and welcome partnership opportunities with like-minded organizations and businesses. To find out more or if you have any questions, contact us at 800-490-3657.